Call for Competitions
The IROS 2019 Organizing Committee invites proposals for competitions to be held within the IROS in November 2019. Through competitions, a unique setting of technical demonstration is provided for both research labs from academia and industry to show off the state-of-art implementation of robot technologies. The following are some suggestions of the competition area (but not limited to):
- Drone
- Grasping
- Humanoid
- ......
Proposals must include the following information:
- A brief description of the competition, including what the particular task under evaluation is and why this competition could be of interest to the robotic community.
- A draft of the rules and assessment.
- Program of Competition (Time schedule on competition day(s)).
- A list of possible participants.
- Logistics & Local Support: Request for the Organizing Committee for the proposed competition such as a description on the required space (square meter area and height) along with power, networking, and other required facilities. Only indoor areas are available.
- Organizers and Contact: The names with affiliation(s), city and country, contact information, and brief CVs of the competition organizers, outlining previous experience in organizing competitions, workshops, etc.
All submissions will undergo a common review process in Organizing Committee. The proposal template can be downloaded here directly.
Important Dates
Tuesday - Wednesday
5 - 6
For any questions regarding the IROS 2019 competitions, please contact the competition co-chairs:
- King Lai, City University of Hong Kong, China
- Yantao Shen, University of Nevada, Reno, USA