Special Forum


Human-Centred Robot Systems and Their Impact on Manufacturing and Society

Date and Time: 9:00am-5:00pm, Nov. 8 (Fri)
Venue: LG-R10, LG
Organizers: Jianwei Zhang (Universität Hamburg, Germany), Han Ding (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China), Kazuhiro Kosuge (Tohoku University, Japan), Oussama Khatib (Stanford University, USA)


Presenting the state of the art of the Human-centred robot systems (by invited recognized researchers).
Recent innovative results on medical, rehabilitation and service robotics:

•    Dysfunction assistant robot
•    Intelligent robots in rehabilitation and physiotherapy, 
•    Body assistance robots in astronautics
•    Mechanism design theory and method of wearable robots, 
•    Intelligent perception and cognition
•    Biomechanical modeling and simulation
•    Dynamics and control, control theory for remote man-machine collaboration
•    Other human-centered intelligent systems

Bridge between human-centered intelligent systems, AI and industry applications.
Discussion on current state, unsolved problems and future developments of human-centered intelligent systems and their impact on manufacturing and society.


Session A (9:00am-12:00pm)

Chair: Prof. Miao Li (Wuhan University, China)

Time Title Speaker
9:00am-9:25am Collaboration Research on Crossmodal Robot Jianwei Zhang
9:25am-9:50am Overview on Coexisting-Cooperative-Cognitive Robots Han Ding
9:50am-10:15am The Age of Human-Robot Collaboration: Deep sea Exploration Oussama Khatib
10:15am-10:40am Dance Partner Robot to Co-worker Robot “PaDY” Kazuhiro Kosuge
10:40am-11:00am Robot Autonomous Manipulation Based On Physical Relationship And Functional Reasoning In Collaborative Scenarios Xuguang Lan
11:00am-11:20am Recent Trends of Collaborative Robot Hao Ding
11:20am-12:00pm Panel discussion  


Session B (1:00pm-5:00pm)

Chair: Zhaopeng Chen (DLR, Germany)

Time Title Speaker
1:30pm-1:50pm Grand Challenges of Assistive Medical Robot Systems Guang-Zhong Yang
1:50pm-2:10pm Neurorobotic models for Human-Centred Robot Application Stefan Wermter
2:10pm-2:30pm Design and application of a mobile robot Xinjun Liu
2:30pm-2:50pm Dynamics and Interfaces of Human-Robot Hybrid Systems Qining Wang
2:50pm-3:10pm High Efficiency Walking Robot Qingdu Li
3:10pm-3:30pm Recent Trends of the Human-centred Development of Transfer robots for Nursing-care of Disabled Elderly Shijie Guo
3:30pm-3:50pm Human kinesiology and wearable robot Caihua Xiong
3:50pm-4:10pm Bio-Syncretic Robotics for Natural Intelligence Lianqing Liu
4:10pm-4:30pm Data driven discovery of cyber physical systems Ye Yuan
4:30pm-5:00pm Panel discussion